Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fix Android cannot show Logcat, "Invalid Argument"

Fix problem: Android cannot show Logcat, "Invalid Argument"
  • Unplug and plug your device
  • Switch ON/OFF the developer option – USB debugging
  • Clicking at the device on DDMS-Device tab
  • Use command "adb logcat -c" followed by unplug/plug device.
  • On DDMS-Device tab, click the down triangle, choose “Reset adb”
  • Huawei device: *#*#2846579#*#*  Go ProjectMenu / Background Setting / Log setting
  • Use app to show logcat, such as CatLog (
  • Run “echo 1 > /sys/kernel/logger/log_main/enable” in “adb shell”
Reference :

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Use Launch Daemon to Start Tomcat Automatically on Mac

Start tomcat automatically on Mac.

1. create at tomcat/bin
2. create /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist
3. restart your mac

Note: Replace "/Users/username/tomcat" with your tomcat path in and plist file.

try to launch tomcat with the plist
"sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist"

If you got error: "launchctl: Dubious ownership on file (skipping)" [5]
Please try change owner and permission of the plist file
a. change the owner to root with "sudo chown root <filename>",
b. change the permissions with "sudo chmod 644 <filename>"
   (4 for read access, 2 for write access, 1 for execute access, added up. The first number is for the owner, the second for the group, the third for everyone.) 

----- ---------

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Batch rename images to sequence number with script

To get some test images.
Get images from, as follows,

create a shell script (.sh) file with following content

for file in *.jpg; do
    n=$(( $n+1 ))
    mv $file $file_name

Images are renamed to sequence number

Monday, August 05, 2013

iOS handle Remote Push Notification

There are three cases to handle remote push notification.
  1. Your app was just launched
    handle callback didFinishLaunchingWithOptions application launched by clicking "View" when app is not running
  2. Your app was just brought from background to foreground
    by clicking "View" when app is running in background.
    handle callback didReceiveRemoteNotification
  3. Your app was already running in the foreground
    handle callback didReceiveRemoteNotification
Both (2) and (3) are handled by didReceiveRemoteNotification, use the following code to distinguish forground and background.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Using Ti.Google.Analytics in Titanium Mobile

In previous post "Titanium Javascript Execution Context", we know that different javascript execution context == different scopes. When implementing the Google Analytics, we will meet this problem.

The Ti.Google.Analytics project has been converted to use CommonJS. [1]

var gaModule = require('Ti.Google.Analytics'); var analytics = new gaModule('UA-XXXXXX-X'); // Call the next function if you want to reset the analytics to a new first time visit. // This is useful for development only and should not go into a production app. //analytics.reset(); // The analytics object functions must be called on app.js otherwise it will loose it's context Ti.App.addEventListener('analytics_trackPageview', function(e){
analytics.trackPageview('/iPad' + e.pageUrl); }); Ti.App.addEventListener('analytics_trackEvent', function(e){ analytics.trackEvent(e.category, e.action, e.label, e.value); }); // Starts a new session as long as analytics.enabled = true // Function takes an integer which is the dispatch interval in seconds analytics.start(10,true); // You don't need to call stop on application close, but this is just to show you can callstop at any time (Basically sets enabled = false) Titanium.App.addEventListener('close', function(e){ analytics.stop(); });
By using commonJS, all of our windows are in same context, we can simply call analytics.trackPageview directly inside windows.

However, for windows created by window.url property, the global variable "analytics" is not available.  For compatible reason, in window created by "url" property, we can still fire a global event to track.  Like this,

    Ti.App.fireEvent("analytics_trackPageview", {pageUrl:'myhomepage'});

Titanium Javascript Execution Context

Some notes from "Understanding Execution Contexts"

"A JavaScript application running in a web browser is single threaded and has a global variable scope for the entire application. A Titanium Mobile application is similar"

app.js creates one execution context.

" New execution contexts are created when a window is created that points to an external JavaScript file, which would then bootstrap the new window."
We call it "heavyweight" window.

var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
  title: 'New Window',
  url: 'win.js'

"When this new window is opened, it will have it’s own context and scope, so any variables declared in other contexts will not be available."

The variable defined in app.js is out of scope in win.js, because it's another execution context.

You can fire application-level events that will be received in all currently active execution contexts (app.js plus any open windows) via fireEvent. Custom events can have arbitrary data passed along with them, as shown in the example below:

Ti.App.fireEvent('myCustomEvent', {
  myCustomEventValue: 'someValue'

"You can listen for these custom events in any context by using addEventListener at the application level as well. The example below listens for our custom event – you’ll notice that any properties of the object passed as the second argument to fireEvent are available on the event object the callback function takes as an argument:"

Ti.App.addEventListener('myCustomEvent', function(event) {'You sent me: '+event.myCustomEventValue);

"Note that only ACTIVE execution contexts will receive a custom event when it is sent, so any windows that are not yet open will not receive the event."

Thursday, May 16, 2013

SVN create and switch to branch

Mac OS X 10.8.2
svn, version 1.6.18 (r1303927)

I want to work a new svn branch. And try the following comment

svn copy svn://server/path/trunk/project_name svn://server/path/branches/new_branch

But it's not ok. It returns error message:

"svn: Could not use external editor to fetch log message; consider setting the $SVN_EDITOR environment variable or using the --message (-m) or --file (-F) options
svn: None of the environment variables SVN_EDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR are set, and no 'editor-cmd' run-time configuration option was found"

The command MUST have comment message like this

svn copy svn://server/path/trunk/project_name svn://server/path/branches/new_branch -m "create new branch"

The result is the project is copy to 


The we can go to the working copy and switch to the new branch by

 svn switch svn://server/path/branches/new_branch/project_name

Everything is ok. You modification to the old working copy is still there.

The --relocate option of switch causes svn switch to do something different: it updates your working copy to point to the same repository directory, only at a different URL (typically because an administrator has moved the repository to another server, or to another URL on the same server).[1]


Sunday, April 28, 2013

iOS Localize Image for Language of Applicaiton

How to localize images for iOS?
Put your images into localized folder, such as "en.lproj" , "zh.lproj"
This works for System Language.
But how about using language of application?

We can use string of app language by "NSLocalizedStringFromTable"
But there is NO such function for image.

Here is a solution.
Use the following code to get the path of the image of the app language.

NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"image_name" ofType:@"jpg" inDirectory:@"zh.lproj"]; 


NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"image_name" ofType:@"jpg" inDirectory:@"" forLocalization:@"zh"];

UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Config Apache SVN server for Mountain Lion

After upgrade to Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
My local SVN server is not working.
The setting should be the same, but the svn setting is removed from httpd.conf
How to get it work again?  Let's GO!!

Create file "/etc/apache2/other/svn.conf",
Add the following lines into the "svn.conf"

#svn module
LoadModule dav_svn_module libexec/apache2/
LoadModule authz_svn_module libexec/apache2/

<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNPath "/svn"
AuthType Basic
AuthName "admin"
AuthUserFile /etc/your_user_name.htpasswd
Require valid-user

sudzC SOAP web service namespace problem

I am using sudzC to generate objective-C codes to use SOAP webservice of a Java Tomcat server.
But is doesn't work. There must be some formatting problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns=""><soap:Body>

return error message:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body>
<faultstring>Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"arg0"). Expected elements are &lt;{}arg0&gt;,&lt;{}arg1&gt; </faultstring></soap:Fault>

server is expecting <{}arg0>, <{}arg1>
{} means the namespace is empty.
arg0 and arg1 should have NO namespace.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Apple iOS UDID Replacement - UUID,vendor,advertising id

Apple forbid all new / updated app of iphone to use UDID from May 1st, 2013.
There are some replacements : CFUUID/NSUUID, Vendor ID or Advertising ID.

Lifetime end
Uninstall app
iOS 2
Vendor ID
Development Team
Uninstall all apps of the development team
iOS 6
Advertising ID
Wipe device
iOS 6

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Titanium TableView row count

How to get the number of rows in tableview with Titanium?
TableView default has one section. "" is the section array.
If you don't create section, your rows are in "section 0".
Get the row count by[0].rows.length;


Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Galaxy Note 2 screen specifications, size, density, aspect

Samsung Galaxy Note I/II screen specifications
--situee's blog

It's important to know the specification the device classifies itself for Android developers.

Galaxy Note 1 calculated ppi is 285; density is xhdpi.
After the ICS update, the device classification changed to "large" and "not long".

Galaxy Note 2 calculated ppi is 267; density is xhdpi.

Galaxy Note 2.3
Not Long *
Galaxy Note 4.x
Not long
Galaxy Note II