Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sharp SH7218U Android folding mobile phone

Recently a new cellphone attracts my eyes.  Sharp SH7218U, really makes a difference. It's the first large-screen/ Android / folding mobile phone I have ever seen.

You can turn the lid clockwise 180 degrees.
Then it becomes a pure touch screen, cell phone. In this mode, here are four virtual Android phone buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ASIFormDataRequest Undefined symbols Error, frameworks required

ASIHTTPRequest is a very good open-source project, which help you with complicated http requests.

If you are using  ASIFormDataRequest for the first time. You may find the following error:
Undefined symbols: "_CFHTTPAuthenticationIsValid", referenced from: -[ASIHTTPRequest attemptToApplyProxyCredentialsAndResume] in ASIHTTPRequest.o -[ASIHTTPRequest attemptToApplyCredentialsAndResume] in ASIHTTPRequest.o

How to Migrate SVN Repository to another Server

how to migrate / move a existing subversion (svn) repository to another server?

There are a few easy steps to dump the repository and import into a new server,

1. On your server machine where the repository is now, run
   svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH > mydumpfile

2. Put that file (mydumpfile) on another server.

TouchHTTPD http WebDAV server on iPhone

I have a post that summaries http web servers on iphone.
In this post, we will try TouchHTTPD.

TouchCode is open-source frameworks by  schwa
One of the TouchCode project is TouchHTTPD, which is "An iOS compatible Cocoa Web Server".

It has been moved from google-code to github. You can find it here now:
Now using submodules for TouchXML & TouchFoundation.  also projects in TouchCode.
(TouchXML is one of the best cocoa XML parser framework)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

cocoahttpserver HTTP Server File Upload on iPhone

Previous Post :
HTTP Web Server, File Upload on iphone

----- Update 20140729 -------

The original googlecode link is removed.

Please check this

Let's try cocoahttpserver
we can get it from google code:

we focus on iphone project, so just try the iphone sample code.
Get a local copy of the cocoahttpserver repository with this command:
hg clone cocoahttpserver

Try the iPhoneHTTPServer sample

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

HTTP Web Server, File Upload on iphone

I installed "PDF Reader Lite" on my iphone. There is very amazing function that I can upload files into the app through a http web server on the iphone. How can they do that?

I google and baidu, and get some clues about setting up a http server for a iphone app.

There are some projects about http server on iphone...

Sunday, March 06, 2011

What New Features iOS 4.3

Safari Performance

The Nitro JavaScript engine that Apple pioneered on the desktop is now built into iOS. Using just-in-time compilation, this powerful engine more than doubles the performance of JavaScript execution. Use this power to optimize your webpage or app web view for increased interactivity and responsiveness.