Sunday, November 20, 2011

Resolution Qualifier of Layout Drawable for Android

It's hard to differentiate 800x480 854x480 resolutions. 
Most mobile phones are of these two resolution and goes to qualifier "-normal-hdpi". Both are "-long"
There is resolution qualifier, thougth it's deprecated and recommended to not be used.
something like "-800x400"  "-854x480" (situee's blog)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

ThunderBird Shortcuts 雷鸟快捷键

Using shortcuts help save time. Save your time when dealing with EMAILs.

New message (default format) Command + N
Go to Next Unread Message N
Reply to Message (sender only)(default format) Command + R
Reply to All in Message (all recipients)(default format) Command + Shift + R
Send Message Now Command + Return

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

GalaxyTab, Motorola Xoom Screen Desity and Size

Galaxy Tab (7") is 170dpi, it is close to 160dpi, and should be mdpi . However, it is declared as "hdpi" and "large" by Samsung, because it's look better with a hdpi configuration. The new GalaxyTab 10.1 is the same size and resolution as Motorola Xoom, it should be mdpi and xlarge.(situee's blog)

(situee's blog)

Density Screen Size Resolution
Samsung GalaxyTab 7 hdpi 7" large 1024 x 600
Motorola Xoom mdpi 10.1" xlarge 1280 x 800

Pre-scaling, Auto-Scaling and Screen Density

Designing android layout for multiple screens is really confusing.


Pre-scaling resource is an important concept.
If resources are not available in the correct density, the system loads the default resources and scales them up or down as needed to match the current screen's density.

for an hdpi device, when there is only mdpi image 100x100, then the image will be pre-scaled to 150x150;
for an mdpi device, when there is only hdpi image 150x150, then the image will be pre-scaled to 100x100;

Sunday, November 06, 2011

ERROR: Unknown command 'crunch'

I upgraded the Android ADT to version 15. Everything seems fine until I tried to run an app.

ERROR: Unknown command 'crunch'

Now, use the new Android SDK Manager to upgrade the Android SDK Tools. Then we can forget about the "crunch" problem.